On-site supervisory consultants can make the difference between successfully executing the job on time and at or under budget, or not having objectives met, going over budget, damaging the well, or even hurting a contractor employee.

Our focus is to provide our customers with on-site supervisors that consistently deliver expected outcomes, provide detailed and professional reports, and protect our customers equipment, locations, and contractor employees. In other words, take OWNERSHIP of the job that you entrust to them. No excuses - we expect to deliver results in all aspects of the job. That is OUR responsibility. You trust us and we intend to earn that trust every day.

We can provide consultants carefully selected based on experience, expertise, and most importantly, your requirements.

We can provide on-site job management for a wide variety of jobs.

  • Location building
  • Drilling
  • Completion - frac & drillout
  • Surface facility construction and hookups
  • Maintenance - rod & tubing, BHA change out, tubing repair,
  • Artificial lift jobs - rod pump, plunger, gas lift, ESP
  • Swabbing & slick line

We can manage the job from developing and sending out RFQ's, contractor bid analysis, contractor management, and any other support activities you might require to support the work in the field. We can do as much or as little of the support work that you need in order to help facilitate the work in the field.